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Bellies to Babies Blog

Melissa Cowl
1 day ago3 min read
The Ripple Effect: How a US "Banned Word List" Could Impact Canadian Pregnancy and Birth
Across the border in the United States, concerns are growing about the potential creation of a "banned word list" related to reproductive...

Melissa Cowl
Dec 6, 20243 min read
Raising Respectful Grandparents
Becoming a grandparent is a joyous and exciting milestone in life. You get to spoil and love on your grandchild without the pressure.

Melissa Cowl
Nov 29, 20243 min read
How to Navigate the Holiday Season with a Newborn: Tips and Tricks for New Parents
The holiday season is often a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, if you’re a new parent welcoming your first child into...

Melissa Cowl
Oct 1, 20243 min read
How to Navigate Thanksgiving with a Newborn: Tips and Tricks for New Parents
Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and delicious food. But if you have a newborn in the house, it can also be a time of stress.

Melissa Cowl
Aug 19, 20242 min read
Setting the Kitchen Table
During labour, the kitchen table can serve as a central hub for all the necessary items and support tools.

Melissa Cowl
Jul 8, 20243 min read
The Ultimate Guide to Parenting Twins and Multiples: Tips and Tricks for Success
Raising one child can be challenging enough, but raising twins or multiples can seem like an overwhelming task.

Melissa Cowl
Jun 24, 20242 min read
Is It Time to Stop Googling and Start Talking?
With the advent of technology, there is a wealth of information available at our fingertips through the use of apps and search engines.

Melissa Cowl
Jun 3, 20243 min read
The Impact of Family Size on Daily Life: One Kid, Two Kids, or 9473837 Kids?
What happens when one kid becomes two kids? Suddenly, there is twice the energy, twice the curiosity, and twice the innocence.

Melissa Cowl
May 21, 20242 min read
Spaghetti For Breakfast
Spaghetti for breakfast may seem unconventional, but it is a delicious and practical option for new parents.

Melissa Cowl
May 14, 20242 min read
7 Ways to Stay Motivated While Doing Hard Things
Have you ever felt like you're facing an uphill battle? We have all been there. Doing hard things isn't easy but it's where growth happens.
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