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Coronavirus / Covid-19

Having lived, birthed and worked through SARS, we have some insight and suggestions for our pregnant clients who are worried about their upcoming births in respect to the coronavirus.

  1. If you are under the care of midwives, opt for homebirth. This will allow you to have all the support, comfort, food and peace of mind for safe and healthy birthing. It will also reduce the chances that the midwives will come into contact with the virus.

  2. If you are not under the care of a midwifery group, get yourself on a wait list.

  3. Schools will be closed until the 5th of April. If you are birthing after this, pay attention to the news and do not send your older children back to school prior to the birth of the baby.

  4. Have a conversation with your Doula about what labour support looks like at home prior to going to your place of birth, and discuss when your Doula will join you following the birth for postpartum support.

  5. Talk to your doctor or midwife about early discharge following the birth of your baby and get outta Dodge as soon as you comfortably can.

  6. If possible, work from home or take an early maternity leave.

  7. From a financial perspective, Doula rates don't change for circumstances beyond our control. You can, however, come to a mutually agreed upon modified service contract.

  8. Limit all visitors, including immediate family, following the birth of your child until all threat of this pandemic has passed.


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